Magic The Gathering



Welcome to my Magic the Gathering page. This is a page that briefly explains what Magic the Gathering is.


Magic the Gathering is the original collectible card game, made in 1993. The game is often compared to Pokemon or Yu-gi-oh, as uneducated-or ignorant- people don't know that it was made two years before Pokemon, and six years before Yu-gi-oh.


Two or more players start with a deck of cards. A traditional deck is 60, though more can be added. The traditional setup is 24 land cards, and 36 spell cards. Each player starts at 20 life. The goal of the game is to knock your opponent down to 0 using various strategies, monsters, and spells.


There are six color groups to the game:

WurmForest LandGreen- Centered around forestry and jungles. Cards are centered around bringing out strong creatures.






Black-Focused on zombies and death. Cards are primarily about raising a lot of creatures quickly, and sacrificial power.



bndrRed- Majority are goblins and dragons. Cards attack opponents life directly.





White- Centered around Angels. Cards are centered on gaining life and giving creatures ability to fly.
 Focused on wizards and drakes. Cards either give abilities or counter opponents' spells.





Mixed/Colorless- These cards are either mixed colors, or don't have a color.



Land cards such as the ones shown above are the game's source of energy, called mana. They are simple cards, with only the name, (Forest, Swamp, Mountain, Plains, Island), and the color's symbol, (Tree, Skull, Fireball, Sun, Water Drop). Each card has a different cost, the symbol for the cost either being individual color symbols, or a number in a gray circle, which is random. If a card has a water drop and a 2 in a circle, that means the card can be paid with an Island and any two other sources of mana

Spell cards range from creatures, to sorceries, to instants, to enchantments:

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