Welcome to my 6Teen page. Here I will introduce you to the T.V. show that is 6Teen. Enjoy.
Starting from the left, we have Nikki Wong, Jonesy Garcia, Caitlyn Cooke, Jude Lizowski, Jen Masterson, and Wyatt Williams. The show is perfect for any teenager, as this show points out a lot of situations teenagers go through, such as jobs, relationships, school, friend problems, the works.
The show starts off with Nikki, Jonesy, Jude, Jen, and Wyatt-whom have all been friends since Kindergarten- walking in the mall. They all decide to get jobs during the holidays. Caitlyn becomes friends with Jen who offers Caitlyn her old job at the Big Squeeze, which procedes the whole group to become friends with her, Nikki the least as she views Caitlyn as a "spoiled little rich brat.", which she is.
Nikki Wong is of Asian descent, and is the group's punk. She is almost always seen with her typical sleeveless shirt with baggy jeans. During the show, she has a relationship with Jonesy, breaking up with him and then getting back together at the end. She works at the Khaki Barn with three girls who are exactly alike, and she wouldn't be caught dead shopping there. She is the most sensible of the group.
Jonesy Garcia is of Hispanic descent, and is the group's womanizer. He is always in his usual outfit. He has a relationship with Nikki during the show. Jonesy is the slacker of the group, and has two younger brothers. Almost every episode Jonesy gets a new job, then gets fired from it, for either being lazy or breaking the rules. On one account he can't remember where he applied, and remembers after seeing his boss, who fired him for not showing up.
Caitlyn Cooke is the group's preppy girl. Caitlyn is big on shopping and drama. In the beginning episode, Caitlyn is shown hanging with her friend Tricia, then finds out her credit cards are maxed out. Instead of just paying for it himself, Caitlyn's dad decided to make her work for her money. After taking the job at The Big Squeeze, Caitlyn realizes Tricia won't talk to her because of her dorky hat, so Caitlyn stops being friends with her. Tricia harasses Caitlyn in later episodes, usually getting a big dose of karma right back.
Jude Lizowski is the group's skater. Jude can be seen often on his skateboard, skating around and either doing tricks, or crashing. Jude is the most laid back of the group, and works at Stick It until it gets closed down, then works at Underground Video. After he ruins his boss's favorite VHS, he is fired, then starts working at the Game Store.
Jen Masterson is the tomboy of the group, enjoying sports more than any of the guys except for Jonesy, who is the school's hockey captain. Jen works at the Penalty Box, the store's main sports shop. Her boss, Coach Halder, constantly makes her working life a living heck, with his constant pranks, mischief and making her perform in his stupid promotions. On Halloween, he forces her to wear a pig snout and ears. On one instance, he helps his son practive Paintball by making Jen a target.
Wyatt Williams is the group's caffeine addict, and is also the group's guitarist. Wyatt is known as uptight, as he is constantly stressing over Jude and Jonesy's actions, such as whistling at girls, or farting in public. On one occasion without coffee, he is actually shown shaking without it, going into withdrawal. He dates Serena who works with him at a music store called Spin This, but then dumps him for her ex-boyfriend Chad. He complains, so she fires him. After that, he works with Jude at Underground Video, then Burger McFlipster after Underground Video gets shut down.
The group, besides Jonesy, usually stay at a job most of the season, except for a firing here or there.
The Khaki Barn- The Khaki Barn is a place with many clothes that are considered "in". Nikki works there because she had a bad interview, and this is the only place she even remotely considered. She wouldn't be caught dead wearing the clothes from this store, and has to work with Chrissy, Kristen, and Kirsten, or as she calls them, the clones. They constantly nag her, but don't actually punish her until Nikki accidentally reveals that Chrissy is a member of a Star Wars club.
The Big Squeeze- The show almost always takes place inside a mall, most opening scenes beginning at Caitlyn's workplace: The Big Squeeze. The Big Squeeze is a lemonade stand that Caitlyn must work at to work off her credit card debts. The Big Squeeze sells mostly lemonade, with various other drinks in it. Caitlyn usually makes good drinks, though she has trouble with some. She always gives the group free drinks, as they don't cost much.
Stick It- Stick It is Jude's first job, focusing solely on selling shiskebab items, hence the name. Jude likes this job, because "all he has to do is grab something and put it on a stick.". After a few months of working there, his boss quits without alerting Jude, telling him to call a certain number should he have to talk to his boss, the number being Stick It's local phone. On one occasion, Jude runs out of ideas for Food of the Month, so he tells customers to put random foods in a box to decide, one being gum.
Penalty Box- Jen works at the Penalty Box, a sports equipment store. Her boss is Coach Halder, who is usually a jerk to her, always making her sit in the Penalty Box for time outs. The Penalty Box itself has a timer on it, which buzzes when it goes off. On most occasions, Jen gets time outs for standing up to Coach Halder, or getting distracted by boys. On one occasion she chewed out Coach Halder for constantly annoying her, to which he puts her on probation, threatening to fire her if she disobeys once more.
Spin This- Wyatt works at Spin This, a music store that sells CD's. Wyatt is a musician, so he loves this job. His boss is Serena, who he has a relationship with, then is later fired by. He hates country music, preferring pop and rock. Spin This has a DJ station, which always has Serena or Chad on to play music through the store.
Underground Video- Underground Video is a store that sells VHS's and DVD's. Mostly classics and oldies, the movies range from old movies to newer movies. The boss is Wayne, and he's a lazy, sarcastic guy who constantly degrades his employees. He also fires them if he doesn't like their taste in movies. The actual boss of UV is a guy named Crazy Pete, but is never seen. After he sells UV, Wayne buys it back from Taj Mahome videos, becoming the new boss.
Burger McFlipsters- Burger McFlipsters is the final place Wyatt works in the series. It is a typical fast food joint. This one differs from all the rest though, as the employees are required to sing to the meat, as the owner thinks it will make the meat taste better. This is the perfect job for Wyatt as he is a musician and guitar player, becoming the boss's favorite employee as Wyatt starts making his own songs for work.