Code Lyoko



Welcome to my Code Lyoko Page. Here, much like the Bleach page, I will explain what the show is and some of the main characters.

Code Lyoko is a show about four students at a boarding school who find a Supercomputer, that when booted up, reveals a hidden digitized world called Lyoko. Along with Lyoko, a pink-haired girl named Aelita comes on and helps with the problems and figuring it out.


Starting from the left, this picture shows Odd, Ulrich, Yumi, and Aelita. It doesn't show Jeremy, but there is a picture of him below along with everyone else's.

The show starts with Jeremy Belpois, Odd Della Robbia, Yumi Ishiyama, and Ulrich Stern all hanging out. They are alerted that X.A.N.A. is activating a tower, so they go to deactivate it. The first of the episode shows the basic points of the episodes. A tower is activated, they go to a secret factory, Ulrich, Yumi, and/or Odd get sent to Lyoko, they protect Aelita and fight monsters, Aelita deactivated the tower, then the attack is stopped and everything is alright.

ulrichUlrich Stern is one of the main characters of Code Lyoko. He is the strong silent type, and has feelings for Yumi, though he is often interrupted by a girl who likes him, Sissi. He despises her and never gets a chance to date Yumi. He doesn't talk about himself. On Lyoko, his outfit is a samurai, with one Katana, and is able to run very fast. His abilities are Super-Sprint (Where he can run very fast for long distances and even over water), and Triplicate (He can make two clones of himself to help distract or attack.


Yumi Ishiyama is another main character of Code Lyoko. She is gothic, and Japanese. Her parents have an unstable marriage and she usually doesn't talk about it. She has feelings for Ulrich, but usually conceals them, deciding to remain friends in Season Two. In Lyoko she resembles a Geisha, and gets two boomerang-like fans that she can throw. Her abilities are Telekinetic. She is able to lift some objects, and influence enemies.

oddOdd Della Robbia is the clown of the group, and my personal favorite character. He is more about T.V, Video Games, & Music than class work and learning. He hides his dog Kiwi in his room, as animals aren't allowed at the boarding school. There's been more than one incident where Kiwi has saved the day, and has been found. In Lyoko, Odd resembles a cat (ironicly enough), and his main attack is Laser Arrows, which he shoots from his hands. Though this is a projectile weapon, he is at a disadvantage, as Jeremy has to be at the computer to refill them when they run out. Belpois is the genius of the group, being the one who discovered the factory while looking for parts, and introduced everyone in the group to the computer. He is the one who always monitors the group as they are in Lyoko, and alerts them to everything around them. He is the one who designs new programs, powers, etc. He never goes in Lyoko as a fighter, though once went in to alert his friends they were in a fake world and to save them from the clone of Jeremy.

AelitaAelita Schaeffer is the daugher of Franz Hopper, the creator of Lyoko, X.A.N.A., the Super Computer, etc. Aelita is at first trapped in Lyoko, thought to be an AI, then is later found to be Franz's daughter, and is brought to Earth with a program Jeremy created. Aelita is the key to deactivating X.A.N.A's attacks, as she is the only one who can turn off towers. Until Season Three she is very weak and defenseless. At Season Three she is given a better attack, better defenses, and wings that can be used for a limited time to escape trouble.


X.A.N.A. is the antagonist of the series. X.A.N.A. was created by Franz Hopper, originally intended to intercept other computers and satellites, but became a sentient being bent on world domination. X.A.N.A. is able to control electrical things, possess people, or even make fake people to do his bidding. In Lyoko, X.A.N.A. sends monsters to stop the Lyoko Warriors from deactivating towers. All monsters of X.A.N.A. are endowed with his symbol somewhere on there bodies, which is their weakpoint. Hitting the Eye of X.A.N.A. destroys a monster immediately.

Lyoko has four sectors, later made to five then six in the series, that the characters go into, via virtualization chambers. All the sectors are similar, except for Carthage and the Digital Sea.

fsForest Sector- The Forest Sector is green with trees and hills.




msMountain Sector- The Mountain S ector is purple with mountains and rocks.



isIce Sector- the Ice Sector is ice blue, and unlike the other three main sectors, is right at the level of the Digital Sea.




dsDesert Sector- The Desert Sector is light brown with sand and rocks.




cs Carthage- Carthage is the main core of Lyoko, with all of Lyoko's date, and X.A.N.A's as well. This sector is unique, as rooms change as certains buttons on the walls are hit.



dsDigital Sea- At first, the Digital Sea is represented as the Out of Bounds area, as anything that goes in it is gone forever. In Season Four, Jeremy makes the Skidbladinir, a ship that can travel the Digital Sea.


X.A.N.A.'s Monsters

X.A.N.A. is able to send monsters to hinder the Lyoko Warriors, and at various times creates new ones.

kankrelatsKankrelats- Kankrelats are the weakest of X.A.N.A.'s monsters, usually travelling in groups of three-five. They are also shown to be the least intelligent, often following each other over the edge into the Digital Sea. Bloks are the next of X.A.N.A.'s monsters, having four sides to shoot from, each one being assigned a weapon. Side 1 is a laser, Side 2 is an Ice Beam, Side 3 is a Ring, and Side 4 is random. Hornets- Hornets are the next weakest enemies, and are able to fly. They usually travel in packs of three to five, like the Kankrelats. Krabes are three-legged, giant red crabs that have three eyes. They can either shoot three lasers at once, or focus the power and shoot one faster and stronger laser. Should someone get under them, an energy ball appears out of their stomach to hit the person under them. They can also swipe at enemies with their arms. Megatanks are like the Juggernauts of Lyoko. They are big metal spheres that open up and shoot a laser that goes on until it hits something, but unlike regular lasers, these are slices that hit everything within a 360-radius. Imagine a constantly expanding plate made of energy. On one occasion they turn on their side, and shoot the laser horizontally, making it much harder to dodge.



TarantulasTarantulas- Tarantulas are four legged creatures that have cannons on their two front legs. They prop up on their elbows, then let loose a volley of lasers. They can attack while running, though don't usually because they trip and fall.


ScyphozoaScyphozoa- The Scyphozoa is a jellyfish like creature, specifically designed to absorb Aelita's memories. The Scyphozoa is always surrounded by a group of monsters to act as bodyguards, then wraps the victim up in it's arms, then steals their memory.

CreepersCreepers- Creepers are snake-like beings with arms, and a tail instead of a leg. They have no eyes and shoot lasers from their mouth. They are native to Carthage only.


mantasMantas- Mantas are big manta-like enemies that can be riden to fly around. They can lay bombs shaped like skulls and shoot lasers. William is seen always riding a black one into a fight. Other than William's, they are all blue and are native to Carthage.

Kongres Kongres- Kongres are piranha-like enemies that attack the Lyoko warriors in the digital sea. They can shoot lasers and body slam the ship. They are very simple creatures, and are basically the Kankrelats of the sea.


SharksSharks- Sharks are what they sound like. Sharks that attack the Lyoko Warriors while they are in the Digital Sea. They are faster, stronger, and can shoot faster with lasers.



KalamarKalamar- Kalamars are the squid-like enemies of the Digital Sea. They can shoot lasers, though usually attack to the ship to drill into it to kill the heroes. They are named Kalamars after the squid called Kalamari.



KolossusKolossus- The Kolossus is the biggest of X.A.N.A.'s biggest and toughest creature. It is so big, it can pick up a tower and wield it as a weapon, though it has never done so. It has an eye of X.A.N.A. on its face, and on one of its arms. The other arm is like a big knife attached at the shoulder. It can be stunned by hitting both eyes at the same time.



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